Monday, December 31, 2007

Giants Hold Their Own Against the 16* - 0 Patriots

Eli Manning played one of the greatest games of his career, Kevin Gilbride called one of the greatest games of his career, and all of the players, played as if there was no tomorrow. When it was all said and done the Giants fell just 3 points short. Experts and analysts can go back and forth all day about how great the New England Patriots are. However, regardless of their 16 - 0 * (I'll talk about the asterisk in a second) record, I am not sold that they are great.

A great offense yes, a great defense? Not even close. If any of you, like me, were around for the '85 Bears, then you already know that team would more than likely beat this Patriots team. A great team doesn't surrender 35 points to another team, that, lets face it, should have no business competing with.

This has gone on for the Pats in a few games. A coupld of lucky bounces, a few favorable calls by the refs, and whoala, a 16 - 0 record. This doesn't mean the Pats aren't good athletes, but the best ever? No way.

Now back to that asterisk. We have entered an age where athletes take drugs to make themselves better at their sports. Coaches illegally video tape other teams. And what is the punishment for these acts? Absolutely nothing! In sports today it is shown to everyone that as long as you have enough money or can produce enough money with your skills, then the penalty for cheating is minimal. Will Mark McGwire or Barry Bonds' homeruns be removed from the record books? No. They cheated, made millions, and there will be no consequences.

Earlier this year, the Patriots were caught red handed cheating. They admitted to it and the coward Roger Goodell, commissioner of the NFL, fined them some money and took away a draft pick. Whoopie! Now here they are, the cheaters themselves being celebrated for a 16 - 0 season (hence the astersik).

The proper punishment would have been to forfeit the opening game to the Jets and then ban them from the post season. But this is profressional sports, where money is king and cheating is ok.

By: Michael C. Podlesny

About the Author:
Michael C. Podlesny is the co-host of the Big Blue Review, a weekly podcast featuring the latest news on The New York Giants. The podcast can be downloaded from Michael's blog at

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